Windsor counts itself as Ontario’s oldest continuous European settlements, with its history traced back to 1728. What’s currently known as the City of Windsor officially came into being in 1935, and the city has never stopped to look back!

ThatShirt makes it easier now than ever for you to show what you really think about wonderful Windsor. Whether it’s at a charity walk, a fund raising event, a community support gathering, or a company social happening – you can wear customized T-shirts, shirts, hoodies and sweats from ThatShirt’s magnificent collection, and display your affection for any Windsor specific cause.

Our online lab has thousands of motif’s that you can use to personalize your “I Love Windsor” garments. Or you can design and upload your own using our user friendly tools.

The best part is, your orders will get to you in 14-days or less with FREE shipping! So go online now and start personalizing your Tees and Sweats!